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A Jackie/Six production

Wednesday, January 07, 2004 |
Can Can!
The New York Times once called it New Jersey's only truly original cultural event, never mind that it is a MidAtlantic phenomenon. It's Shoprite's Can Can Sale! What is the Shoprite Can Can Sale? As anybody who has watched enough TV out here can recite, Shoprite's where you can can save you more on can can, everything that's in can cans. Today's it's great to save some cash, so come on down to Shoprite's Can Can bash ... (it goes on for a while. It's very catchy. This year, they have "ordinary" people signing parts of the jingle.) Now, I've only seen the commercials on TV, so I've never been to the Can Can Sale. Although there have been some rather humorous descriptions. Today, I got a chance to go. My co-worker buddy was going to Shoprite to stock up on her family food supplies. I'm always looking for a good sale, even if I don't have the room to store lots of cans. Or have much cash. One windy train ride later, and we're at the Mecca of supermarkets, Shoprite of Avenue I. The best description, sadly not my own, is that it's Hell, with shopping carts. One giant isle packed with pallet after pallet of spilling jumbling cans. 4 12-packs of soda for $8. 12 cans of corn for $2.50. $1/can Progresso soups, no limit. People abandoning carts piled high with loot, only to stop the poor harried employees to tear through their fresh pallets of canned soup. They didn't have the soup I wanted. "I thought it was the end of the world," a fellow shopper, ignorant of this annual (now semiannual actually) tradition, commented. He had no soup, I noted. Much like an everyday trip to Walmart, only you can walk home with your booty. But the commercials are better.

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