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A Jackie/Six production

Wednesday, July 14, 2004 |
Comcast sucks
Today I had to do some tech support, long distance style. Specifically, figuring out why one computer can connect through the cable modem, while another computer can't. It turns out my initial hunch, the IP address needed to be reset, was correct. However the fix, power-cylcing the modem and the computer and having the IP reset by Comcast, was a little out of my reach. A call to Comcast tech support had to be made. Which would be easy enough ... if you could find a phone number for tech support. Their website has lots of crap you don't really care much for. I imagine they paid lots of good money for a really expensive web developer and content managers to put together that drivel. I imagine that, like I, nobody could care less about any of it. But moving on to tech support, they have several methods of being contacted. Email, or live internet voice chat. Which, of course, are totally useless if you have (what I think is) the number one problem people have: CANNOT CONNECT TO NETWORK. Phone? Telephone? That primative technology, invented in 1876, present in nearly every household in the developed world (or more likely attached to the hip of you as you read this)? Never head of the thing. You have to either dig up an old bill or call information to actually get's number. So, next time you see a nice ad for cable or internet service from Comcast, do what their website clearly suggests: DON'T CALL THEM. Idiots.

That is so frustrating, I feel your pain. Sadly, I find this more and more on a number of websites. It seems like companies don't want to be bothered (spend money) with telephone support so they do their damndest to hide their numbers from you.

Yes, the internet is a great mode of communication -- but sometimes the telephone and actual human interaction are needed, companies!
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