Desert of the Mind [v1.5 Beta]

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A Jackie/Six production

Monday, February 07, 2005 |
Flickr Is Having A Massage
The words that now strike sheer terror into my heart. It's funny how one's routine changes so over time. A month ago I really didn't care too much for flickr, I had many other things to explore (namely photothing and basecamp, both of which rock, btw). Now, it's all I ever do when I log on. It's not really helping my productivity or my shopping. I have decided to bite the bullet and actually buy something for a change, instead of just thinking about it and then not doing it. There are a lot of things I have to get. Moveable Hype tickets, a flash for the camera, Dear Leader CD, tweezers that I lost for the pocketknife, a new tripod, socks. I've got the money, and I've got most of the time, and yet it hasn't happenned in a while. That is all for today, because my life is very dull.

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