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A Jackie/Six production

Thursday, August 11, 2005 |
Hiptsers Are Good
Last night, at the last minute, I heard about the Clap Your Hands Say Yeah concert at the South Street Seaport, and swung on by to check it out. As I expected (and, actually as was predicted by the website I spotted this news at) it was wall to wall hipsters. Now is the part of the blog where I normally tear into the Hipsters and their quirky silly ways, much like the rest of the snooty hipper-then-thou blogsphora, except I'm not. I'm actually going to admit that I like the Hipsters, the posers, and the stylish emotionally challanged. For while many might rage on about their shallow souless pursuit of hipness, it's still a pleasant change from the alternatives: Better then the Yuppies? Well, considering it's not all about greed and doing lines of cocaine, I'd say yes. Don't get me wrong, the Hipsters aren't noble people, they're just not as blatently greedy as, let's say, the Boomers. The Evangelicals? I'm Catholic, so I almost know a thing or two about God, so let me tell you a little secret. The Great Lesson of Jesus is that whatever you THINK you know about God is probably wrong. The disciples were constantly being suprised, shocked, and disbelieving of everything Jesus had to say (A Samaritan?! WTF you talking about Jebus?!). And they were talking to/living with the man (um, or is that The God? I always get the Trinity thing confused.). If you think that you and your little book knows The Great Truth, then I suggest you re-read it, because you don't know squat. [/rant] We all know the Hipsters don't know anything, so we're down with that. The Locals? Before the neighborhood got gentrified, going out for a bottle of milk at the local bodega was a life or death decision ... at 7pm at night. When I run into a bunch of Hipsters on the street at 2am, I'm not thinking, "How many times am I gonna hear the word 'chink' (BTW, I'm Korean, to technically it's Gook you dumb crackhead fuckers.)." I'm not crossing the street out of fear. I've been assaulted enough times in my life already, thank you very much. Hipsters 1, Locals 0. The Immigrants? Gonna have to give points to the Immigrants. They're ignoring me becuase they don't speak English, the Hipsters, because I'm not cool enough. The Hippies? Really? This is even a question? Your Mamma. Depends on if she's old skool, and invites me in for a piece of pie. Moms make the best pie. Preppies? They're just Hipsters with a giant rod up their butts. About an even wash, with a slight lead by the hipsters because I might be able to afford their clothes. Maybe. Tourists? I love tourists, I really do. I just wish they would, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY! It's like herding oxen, you gotta saddle up a horse, use the cattle prod liberally, and watch out lest ye get trampled in Times Square. Pre-Hipsters. Easier to mug then Hipsters, yet carry less cash. About an even wash. So there you have it. Hipsters aren't all that bad, and better then what they replaced (The Mole People). Maybe you hate Hipsters and their Hipster ways, but if you even bother to think about this topic, or even bothered reading this far (much less writing this), you're probably a Hipster at heart too. So sorry. Now go buy a custom t-shirt.

"Now go buy a custom t-shirt." Genius endquote.
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