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A Jackie/Six production

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 |
Still Shopping
Christmas was a very low key affair. Just church and cooking, not much else. Christmas Eve, on the other hand, was a bit more active, with crazy last minute shopping, followed by a big dinner with the cousins and their friends, followed by skating in Bryant Park. Haven't done the skating thing in a while, and sadly don't have any pictures as cameras weren't allowed on the ice. Like riding a bike, it didn't take long to remember how to do it (although not very well). Tried some skating backwards magic, but couldn't get it to run quite right. Didn't get many gifts this year, but that's OK. Didn't get many cards either, but more then last year, so my ongoing card campaign is working (sorta). Didn't get many cards out as last year, but between work and the transit strike, didn't have much time to write them up either. The only really sucky part is that I'm still shopping, as I have a few co-workers left to finish up with that I'll be seeing later this week. Spent an hour at Target looking for a gift yesterday, that was no fun.

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