Desert of the Mind [v1.5 Beta]

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A Jackie/Six production

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 |
The Post About My Vomiting
Yeah, so I'm finally getting over a nasty stomach flu/food poisoning incident. Knocked me out for a few days. Some of the highlights: Thursday: Lunch was good, until 30 minutes later when it all starts coming out. Thursday Night: Curled up in a ball on floor, crying for mommy (literally, lots of long distance calls). BTW, it's ALL coming out. Friday Morning: Can sit upright long enough to call in sick, resume curled up in ball on the floor. Friday Evening: Relapse as the fever spikes again. Not as bad as Thursday. Saturday Morning: I feel good! Great! Cartoons on TV? Whoo Hoo! Saturday Afternoon: WTF was I thinking in the morning. Should have set up the will when I had the chance. Migrane + cramps = 4AM pain Sunday: Last major nausea wave finally passes at 4pm. Life FINALLY returns to normal. And so that's why I haven't been returning your calls or your emails or going on your photowalks.

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