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A Jackie/Six production

Friday, December 01, 2006 |
Pity People

Sometimes It's hard to feel pity for people. They put themselves into unwinnable situations all the time, and pray for some sort of miracle that the inevitable won't happen. They ask for your help, waste your day, when a little foresight on their part would have solved everything before it became a problem. And then they simply sigh, and chalk it up to the unchangeable nature of life.

It's not.

And it is.

It's hard for me to judge, because I do it all the time. I know what the problems are, but I'm slow to make the corrective actions. It doesn't take much time, but it's easier to pass on the task to a tomorrow that's never going to come.

I often whine about my weight, and contemplate working out, just a little. It's not hard, just 10 push ups every day, not more then 5 minutes and 14 sq. feet of flat terrain. And yet, every day I go to bed thinking that I'll do it in the morning. I never do. If I can't do something that simple, how can I be so judgmental towards others over their much larger problems?

What do I do? What can any of us do?

Help out as much as you can, I suppose. Bite your tongue when you feel the urge to pass judgment you're not qualified to make. And try to focus on being supportive of the improvements, and not dwell so much on the failures.

And maybe do at least 5 push ups after writing in your blog.

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