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A Jackie/Six production

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 |
$5 Dinner: Sweet Pork Sausages, Rice, and Sauted French Cut String Beans
It's a lie, really. The food cost $5.05, and I'm not counting the cost of the rice. But otherwise, it's all there. Sausages, simple sauce, and some sauteed green beans ( a staple nearly on par with rice in my cooking arsenal) for a quick cheap dinner.

6 Premio suasages from Associated - ~$3.30
1 large package frozen french cut string beans - ~$1.30
1 small can Associated tomato sauce - ~$.40

Add 1/4 cup water to string beans in small pot. Add generous amount of garlic, pepper, salt. Add 1 bullion cube chicken stock. Saute gently over low heat until all liquid is gone (or nearly gone, you can add a tablespoon or two of olive oil at the end to keep it from burning).

Saute sausages in pan or small pot. After sausages are cooked, drain oil. Or don't, consult with your doctor. Add can of sauce, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, oregano. Simmer for ~3 minutes.

Serve with rice or starch product of your choice. Serves 3 people, or 2 hungry people.

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